BIK HUB is a unique test environment dedicated for prototype solutions

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Welcome to the BIK HUB Program - a technology sandbox where we invite entrepreneurs from various sectors and market segments, start-ups, fintechs.

The first initiative of the BIK HUB Program is the pilot activity of the BIK Open API Platform.

The BIK Open API Platform is a secure and innovative space integrating data from multiple sources. It is a simple way to access a wide range of information based on geolocation, as well as access to data of various entities operating in the following areas:

  • real property,
  • finance,
  • consumer research,
  • digital marketing,
  • data science.

This information may be used both to build or increase the efficiency of analyses or create segmentation, but also to estimate the potential of a selected location, taking into account many dimensions described in data integrated by BIK.

Benefits from joining the BIK Open API Platform:

  • Improvement of operations - real-time access to data allows to improve the effectiveness of actions on an ongoing basis and eliminate errors, e.g. by using data on distance of indicated address points from the selected POI category

  • Increasing the quality of decisions made - access to multi-dimensional data in real time allows to analyse trends in many dimensions on an ongoing basis and provides the necessary data to make better business decisions by analysing the potential of a selected location

  • Improving the effectiveness of forecasts - future needs and customer behaviour can be predicted thanks to the availability of historical and current data. This will help companies improve their products/services and gain a competitive advantage using available statistics and analysis of phenomena in a given location, e.g. location scoring – “geo-score”

  • Predicting consumer behaviour - thanks to historical data on their purchasing preferences, behaviours, as well as declarations related to future choices, it is possible to create scenarios and customer journey paths for specific areas, locations and customer groups with great accuracy.

The simple application process for the BIK HUB Program:


Apply via the form

Fill in the form and supplement it with the required documents.


Verification of your application

The assessment is carried out in two stages - formal assessment and technical assessment.


Information on the results

Information concerning approval or dismissal of the application shall be sent via electronic mail to the address indicated on the form.


Launching test environment

After the positive test results and successfully concluded consultations we will proceed with prototyping and commercialization of your solution.

During the application process we consider the following factors:

Innovativeness of the solution

Does a similar product exist on the market? How does your solution stand out?

Innovativeness of the solution

Does a similar product exist on the market? How does your solution stand out?

Business potential

What is the potential of implementing your solution on the market? Is prospective implementation possible at BIK?

Business potential

What is the potential of implementing your solution on the market? Is prospective implementation possible at BIK?

Solution advancement stage

What is the stage of development of your idea? Was it reviewed or verified by the market, did it undergo production deployment?

Solution advancement stage

What is the stage of development of your idea? Was it reviewed or verified by the market, did it undergo production deployment?

Applicant experience

What is your (and your project team) experience?

Applicant experience

What is your (and your project team) experience?

Current validation

Was your solution tested?

Current validation

Was your solution tested?


Are you a competitor to BIK?


Are you a competitor to BIK?

The business model is assessed from the perspective of:

  • Customer value proposition
    Is the value for the customer unambiguously determined? What do we offer to customers? How does the solution stand out among the competitors?
  • Customer groups (segmentation)

    Are the potential target groups for the solution known? (Separation of customer groups in accordance with specific segments)

  • Distribution channels
    Are there known manners of reaching customers? How will we provide value for customers? How will sales look?
  • Potential revenues

    Are the revenue sources known? Indication of a manner in which a product or service will generate revenues. It could differ for each customer segment.

  • Key resources
    Indication of the company resources necessary for the applied business model of the solution to function (identification of tangible and intangible assets).
  • Key activities
    Are there activities necessary to introduce the solution on the market clearly defined? (list of activities: operational, building relations etc.).
  • Partners
    Is there a distributor network required to implement the business solution?
  • Costs structure
    What are the costs necessary to launch the solution/run a business?
  • Customer relations
    Are there relations with potential customers and methods of customer retention already defined? What are the plans on acquiring new customer segments in the future?

Read the Terms and Conditions

Apply for the BIK HUB Program

Join the program